We have tried to include answers to questions and other information relating to our website. Please let us know if there is something else you would like to see here.

Do I need to register before placing an order?

At times, due to our increasing workload, we may only allow registered customers to place an order. If this is the case a message will appear at the top of the page.

Other than that you may place an order without registering. During the checkout procedure you will be required to enter your details (name address etc) which will allow us to send you the order. After the ordering process is completed you will be offered the chance to register but you don't have to if you prefer not to. The main advantage of registereing is that you can place future orders without having to enter all your details again.

You will also have access to the "My account" feature where you can view all your orders and update your details.

Registering guarantees you the ability to place an order during the times that only registered customers can place orders.

In addition, you will have access to the "My List" feature which allows you to quickly find and re-order the products you have previously purchased.

How can I find out the shipping cost?

For most smaller orders going to Mainland Australia, once you are on the 'cart page' you can click on 'shipping cost' (to the right of the 'update cart' button) and enter your postcode in the popup - the shipping cost will be calculated.

For orders to Tasmanian destinations the shipping cost for orders which will be delivered by Rayner Transport or Aramex will be calculated at a later stage.

The shipping cost for overseas orders will be automatically calculated at the final stage of the checkout before you submit your order.

Do I have to pay by credit card?

No! You can pay by direct deposit into our account.

You can use our PAYID:

or else our account details are:
BSB: 633000
Account Number: 112218714
Bendigo Bank

Please reference your payment with the order number you are paying for.

Paypal Express Checkout is also available.

What happens to the credit card details I provide?

We use Eway as our payment gateway for credit card payments. They are fully PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant which means they meet the most rigorous of standards.

We do not handle, store or transmit your card details at any time. When you submit your card details they are sent directly to Eway from your browser.

What can I do if I forget my log in details?

If you know you registered but can't remember your username or password (or both), you can click on the "forgotten login?" link above the login in boxes and you will be asked to supply your email address and then request that your username is emailed to you or else request information on how to reset your password.

You will then receive an email with your username or information on how to reset your password.

Your exisitng password can not be retrieved as it is stored after being encrypted in a one way process but it is easy to reset your password.

How can I see all the products listed on one page?

From any of the price list pages you can click on the "all products">all products link in the menu to the right of the page (or on the price list page there is also a button at the top of the page.)

To return to one product category per page click on "Click here to return to one category per page" link at the top of the "all products" page.

How long can I keep the items in my cart?

All items in your cart are reserved for you for one hour from the last time you added to or upated your cart.

If the order is not completed and submitted in that time the items will remain in your cart for one month but will not be reserved for you and so will become available for other customers.

After that time they will be removed from your cart.

How do I print a copy of the price list?

All the pages are printer friendly. To see what you will be printing you can go to the File >> Print Preview option which most browsers offer.

You can choose to either print out a single page (eg Health Care Products) or the entire price list. To print from most browsers go to File >> Print or use the key combination of Ctrl + P

To select the entire range of products go to the "all products page" .

Can I get wholesale prices?

If your business has an ABN and the products you are purchasing are predominantly (ie at least 75%) used in the business we can supply you at wholesale rates.

You apply for wholesale prices by registering on our website and ticking the box indicating you would like to apply. Follow the instructions when you confirm your account by clicking on the link in the email you will receive. You will be asked for information about your business. We will review your details and if you qualify for wholesale prices manually change your account so that when you log in to your account you will view the wholesale prices. We will send you an email when this change has been made.

Please note that a minimum order of $50 applies to wholesale orders.

Can I change an order once I have placed it?

If you have registered and have not paid for your order you can change an order after it has been placed, but only before we have started to process it. If you are not registered you can communicate with us via email and ask that we change your order. Please contact us as soon as possible as we can only change it if we haven't already processed it.

To change an order log in to your account and click on the "My account" button near the login area. Than click on "My purchases" and you will see a list of all your orders. If the order is listed as "open" then you can click on the "change order" link and you will have the ability to add to or change your order. This process is the same as placing an order so you can continue shopping to add more items or adjust the items already in your cart. You must continue through the checkout process and submit the order again before the changes are registered.

Providing excellent products with excellent service